Rhumbix Budget Feature Upgrade Enhances Productivity

Jonathan BarnesMarch 14, 2018 • 1 min read

We are pleased to share we’ve upgraded our budget feature.

We want to continue to empower clients so we carefully evaluate all new features to ensure they are useful. Our Head of Product, Steve Chiou, looks for the frequency with which clients use new features to understand if they are easily adopted. The enhanced budget feature provides the user with a time savings, plus the ability to see and use information sooner, he noted.

Completing time cards is a time-consuming process in some companies, but with Rhumbix’s technology, which digitizes paper-based workflows, new users see immediate time savings in performing the task of keeping track of workers’ hours. The savings are as unique as the company using the tool.

“It’s a time and effort savings,” Chiou said, of the efficiencies generated from using Rhumbix. “Our first version of a budget feature required a turnaround time to build it out for clients.”

The point behind the upgrade is to get away from having customers and our client success team to consult on every budget upload. By empowering the client, the time to upload a budget is reduced and clients have even more control around project costs.

“It was a very inefficient process—we wanted to give power back to the customer,” Chiou said. “Now, since we employ a user-facing budget upload process, they can manage their budgets themselves.”

Through simple collection of data, benchmarking and analysis of performance that provide actionable information to customers, Rhumbix saves time and money, by keeping track of time and money spent.

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