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6 Steps to Successfully Implementing New Construction Technology

Rhumbix Editorial StaffApril 16, 2020 • 5 min read

In the work environment, change can be seen as a scary proposition. Employees get comfortable with the way things are and want to stay in their comfort zone. When it comes to technology, change can bring on anxiety and fears of downsizing.

With the growing development of applications to ease the work process and automate day-to-day tasks, change is inevitable.

Implementing innovative technological solutions in the construction industry will require a well-thought-out plan. Changes that will include employees that work in the field will require an additional strategy.

In most cases, once employees experience the benefits of new processes and procedures, they begin to embrace them. How the application of new technology is introduced can be the difference between success and failure.

If your company is considering implementing new construction technology, continue reading for our five tips for successful implementation.

1. Ensure it is the Best Innovative Technological Solutions for Your Company

Technological solutions can range from applications that make time-keeping for efficient to tracking supplies in warehouses. Processes in your business office can be streamlined including payroll, ordering and invoicing.

Choosing the necessary construction technology for your company should not be rushed. Form a team of key personnel to brainstorm what areas of the operation will benefit from the technology and how it will be implemented.

Do your research and narrow your choices down to a few products. Schedule meetings with the developers to have them come and conduct demonstrations. Afterward, your team can decide with applications will work best.

Some companies may offer representatives that are on hand to work alongside your team during the rollout phase.

Keep in mind that you do not need to address the needs of each department at once. There may be a greater need to introduce technology implementation to the business office before addressing the needs of the materials warehouse or construction teams.

2. Develop a Rollout Schedule

Once you are ready to roll out your new applications to your teams, develop a schedule. Will you want to bring everyone in at once, or can you divide staff into smaller groups?

Smaller groups may work best. This way you are not disrupting business by taking everyone away from their assigned duties at once.

Going with five to 10 people in a training session is more manageable than thirty. Plus, smaller groups will make training more personable and allow employees to ask questions and get additional hands-on attention.

A good idea would be to have someone taking notes. This way you can assess the training and incorporate information gleaned from questions asked into the next session.

If an employee leaves a session unsure about how to use the new applications, you can have him attend a later session.

3. Get Buy-in From Key Personnel

It is always a win to have managers and other leadership positions buy into the need for necessary technology. They will play an instrumental role in getting their teams energized about the changes coming down the line.

These key personnel members should also be the first employees to learn new applications. Once new technology goes live, you will want subject matter experts available to answer questions. Plus, it is good for morale to have managers that appear knowledgeable and excited about the changes taking place,

You will need to remain mindful that your professional staff may be more excited about new technology than your construction teams. For this reason, you may want to offer incentives for the departments that successfully reach 100 percent compliance the quickest.

Order company trinkets that managers can use to reward their teams for a job well done. Use the company newsletter to keep your staff updated on the rollout.

4. Listen to Feedback

In the midst of new technology implementation, there will be a lot of conversations taking place. Develop a method to weed out the negative chatter, and focus on constructive feedback.

Allow employees the opportunity to share their experience. A good way to do this is by implementing volunteer focus groups. Employees from different departments can sit down with leadership to provide constructive criticism on what is working and what is not.

If you feel employees will not be comfortable speaking openly and honestly in front of management, you may consider bringing in facilitators from the outside.

Another option is to provide an email or online comment box where employees can submit their commits. Later, provide an FAQ on the company website or employee newsletter.

Then there is always the option of having managers and supervisors engage employees in dialog about the process and the employee’s experience.

5. Celebrate Successful Implementation

Everyone loves a celebration. It is a sign of a job well-done and lets employees know you recognize the great work they are doing. As part of your overall implementation plan, include a companywide celebration to mark the completion of the application of new technology.

The celebration could be something as simple as free lunch for all employees, a company mug and branded t-shirt. Or you can go all out and host a company barbecue for the employees and their family.

Whichever way you decide to go, consider making presentations to leadership for their support. You can also come up with acknowledgment awards for employees. These could include recognizing the most enthusiastic employee, the best team player or quickest learner.

The celebration is sure to be a hit with employees and will go a long way in reinforcing your commitment to the company and your employees.

People want to belong to something positive. Showing your appreciation instills in the employee, they are a part of a family. Employees loyal to your brand can make a company more competitive beyond its technological advancements.

Is New Technology on the Horizon for your Business?

There is rarely a bad time to introduce new innovative technological solutions. Being strategic in how the roll-out will occur is what will make the difference.

If you are looking for construction applications to help your business become more effective, contact us today to request a demo.


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